Monday, December 15, 2014

It' Not Too Late To Make A Few More Gifts!

Today is December's foggy, rainy and not at all like a normal December day in Duluth, MN. But, it's 43 degrees and a perfect day to work indoors.  I'm working on lots of new ideas and projects for 2015 - our new schedule will start just after the first of the year.  Do you have anything in particular that you would LOVE to see offered at Kelly J's??  I am always open to ideas, so please share!  

Hey, It's not too late to whip up a few more Christmas gifts...a couple of ideas that are always a hit; our "Super Simple Pillowcase"...Kelly J's "Center Stage" 10 minute table runner...."Infinity Scarf" using our ultra-plush 'Rose Cuddle'.  Stop into the store; we'll be thrilled to help you choose just the right fabric & we'll include a free pattern, too!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Well, time to get on track. "Times are a-changin" and I will try to change with them.  This Sunday is our "Holiday Open House" and we will have lots of Christmas project kits available, a free demo on our quick and easy Mitered Placemat; our simple technique can be used for "Quick Cuddle & Flannel Blankies" too! Enjoy hot apple cider and treats while you shop for gifts to make or give.